Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 9/30/24

Year: 2024

The International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research aims to publish research that is rigorous, relevant, current, and potentially impactful in the fields of Social Sciences, Education, Management and Organizations. Recognizing the intricate relationships between the many disciplines of Social Sciences, IJSSER examines interdisciplinary studies contexts, processes and activities, developing insights that are significant for theory and practice.
IJSSER's aims and scopes are to:
Publish high-quality papers in Social Sciences (anthropology, history, law, political science, and sociology) that are of international significance in terms of design and/or findings.
Publish high-quality papers in education systems that are of international significance regarding methods, techniques and results.
Publish significant debates in Management and Organizations that potentially make a difference in conceptual and practical thinking and/or practice.
Promote greater equality and inclusion in academic and scientific publishing and create an opportunity for interdisciplinary studies.

Manuscript requirements                                  
Before submitting the manuscript, you should read and follow the guidelines below.
Article type 
• Research article
• Review article
Manuscript, title, table, and figure files should be provided in MS Word format.
Article length/word count 
The manuscript should be between 6000 and 10000 words, including title, abstract, keywords, main text, references, tables, and figures, excluding appendices.
Article title 
The title should be appropriate, concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formulas and citations where possible.
Title page 
• Title
• Author names and affiliations address, including the country name, e-mail, and ORCID no
• Corresponding author
• Acknowledgements
• Research funding


Structured extended abstract in English for a Turkish article 

All submissions must include an abstract in English, and all submissions in Turkish must also include an abstract in Turkish, each with 125-150 words.

All submissions in Turkish must include a structured extended abstract in English, following the format outlined below.

• Purpose
• Design/methodology/approach
• Findings/Results
• Theoretical and Practical implications

The length of the extended abstract should be between 750 and 1500 words in total.

The submission should include between 3 and 6 appropriate and short keywords.
Article classification 
You will be asked to select a paper type (listed below) during submission.
• Research Article
• Review Article
Headings must be appropriate and concise, with a clear indication of the article structure. The first-level headings are to be in bold, and sub-headings are to be in medium italics and numbered all.
Notes or endnotes should not be used. They should be identified in the text in brackets, if necessary.
All figures should be submitted in jpeg etc. format. The position of each figure should be clearly labeled in the main body of the article, and each figure should have a brief title. Text and numbers in all figures should be in New Times Roman, 9 points, and in single-spaced format. All figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and have clear captions.

Tables should be at the end of the manuscript file. The position of each table should be clearly labeled in the main body of the article, and each table should have a brief title. Text and numbers in all tables should be in New Times Roman, 9 points, and in single-spaced format. All tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and have clear captions.

Ethical approval files                   
Ethical approval statements describe where ethical approval for a study was obtained. Ethical approval documents should be uploaded as supplementary file.


All references in the manuscript must be formatted using APA styles.
References to publications in the text should be written as follows:
• Single author: (Demir, 2023)
• Two authors: (Demir & Yasar, 2023)
• Three or more authors: (Demir et al., 2023).
For books 
Surname, initials (year). Title of book. publisher, place of publication.
e.g. Demir, M. (2015). Innovation Management: Principles and Practice. Detay Yayınevi, Ankara.
For book chapters                                                                                                                                         
Surname, initials (year). Chapter title. editor's surname, initials (Ed.), the title of the book, publisher, place of publication, and page numbers.
e.g. Dalgıç, A., Demir, M., & Ergen, F.D. (2021). The Impacts of Cognitive and Affective Risk Perception of COVID-19 on Life Well-Being: The Mediating Effect of Understanding COVID-19. In (Eds: M. Demir, A. Dalgıç & F.D. Ergen) Handbook of Research on the Impacts and Implications of COVID-19 on the Tourism Industry (pp. 664-682). Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global.
For journals 
Surname, initials (year). Title of article. journal name, volume issue, and page numbers.
e.g. Demir, M., Yaşar, E. & Demir, Ş.Ş. (2023). Digital transformation and human resources planning: the mediating role of innovation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 14(1), 21-36.
For published conference proceedings 
Surname, initials (year). Title of paper, in editor’s surname, initials (Ed.), the title of the published proceeding, which may include place and date(s) held, publisher, place of publication, and page numbers.
e.g. Demir, Ş.Ş., Demir, M., & Yaşar, E. (2018). The form of discrimination in tourism job advertisements. In Demir, M. (Ed.) The Proceedings & Abstracts of ICONASH, SDU, Antalya, pp.83-88.
For working papers 
Surname, initials (year). Title of article, institution or organization, place of organization, date.
e.g. Demir, M. (2004). All-inclusive holiday package: Opportunities and challenges, Muğla University, Muğla, 5 January.
For encyclopedia entries (with no author or editor)
Title of encyclopedia (year). Title of entry, volume, edition, the title of encyclopedia, publisher, place of publication, page numbers.
e.g. Tourism (2020). All-inclusive holiday. 1, 2nd ed., Encyclopaedia Tourism, Ankara, pp.222-224.
For newspaper articles (authored) 
Surname, initials (year). Article title, newspaper, date, page numbers.
e.g. Demir, M. (2008). Tourism and innovation. Tourism News, January, pp.2, 5,7.
For newspaper articles (non-authored) 
Newspaper (year). Article title, date, page numbers.
e.g. Tourism News (2004). Tax regulations, 24 March, p.8.
For electronic sources 
Surname, initials (year). Title of electronic source. available at: persistent URL (accessed date month year).
e.g. Demir, M. (2018). Gastrodiplomacy and tourism. available at: https://icser.org (accessed 20 June 2018)

Publication Ethics
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research is a peer-reviewed online journal which publishes original research papers, review, and theoretical manuscripts. IJSSER welcomes submissions related to academic and scientific practices, approaches, applied research studies, critical reviews on major issues, development of new technologies and tools in social science and education research in English or Turkish.
All submitted manuscripts by the author(s) are subject to initial appraisal by the section editors to peer review as a double-blind by at least two independent and expert referees. For the article to be published, at least two referees agree on the publication of the work.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The ethical principles and rules below have been prepared according to the '' Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors '' directive of the Committee on Publication Ethics - (https://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf). Based on these ethical principles and rules, the ethical responsibilities, roles, and duties of the editor with publisher, referees, authors, and reader are explained.

General duties and responsibilities of editors
Editors are accountable for; 
• Meeting the needs of readers and writers' academic publications
• Continually improving IJSSER;
• The implementation of processes to ensure the quality of the material they publish,
• The freedom of expression;
• Maintaining the integrity of the academic record,
• Precluding business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards,
• Publishing corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.

Relationships with readers
• Readers know the institution and fund contribution rate that finances research published in the journal.

Relations with authors
• Editors make the decision to accept or reject an article for publication, in terms of the importance of the article, its originality, and compliance with journal rules.
• Editors do not reject submissions unless serious issues are identified.
• Sustainable editorial management is applied in the journal. Even if the editor changes, the decisions made by the previous editor do not change.
• Double-blind review is applied in the journal. And Authors can object to the editorial decision. Editors guide the authors on every topic expected of them. 

Relations with editors
• The editors guide every issue the referees need through updated guides.
• The editors ask the reviewers to be notified of any conflict of interest with authors before making reviews.
• Editors have systems to ensure that peer reviews' identities (both reviewer and author) are protected.

Relations with editorial board members
• Editors provide new information to members of the editorial board and provide information and support on new policies and developments.
• Relations with journal owners and publishers
• Editors act on the principle of editorial independence without being influenced by publishers and make the decision to publish the article for the development of the journal itself.
• The editors have a written contract that determines their relationship with the publisher in accordance with the COPE Code of Conduct.

Editorial and peer review processes
• Editors have systems to ensure that material submitted to their journal remains confidential and they strive to ensure that peer review at their journal is fair, unbiased, and timely.

Protecting individual data 
• Editors obey laws on confidentiality in their own jurisdiction.
• However, they strive to protect personal rights and ensure confidentiality in article data, such as the privacy information of reviewers and authors.

Encouraging ethical research (e.g. research involving humans or animals)
• Editors endeavor to ensure that research they publish was carried out according to the relevant internationally accepted guidelines (e.g. the Declaration of Helsinki for clinical research, the AERA, and BERA guidelines for educational research).
• Editors seek assurances that all research has been approved by an appropriate body (e.g. research ethics committee, institutional review board) where one exists. However, editors recognize that such approval does not guarantee that the research is ethical.

Dealing with possible misconduct
• Editors can decide whatever they suspect about the article. In this case, it follows the process to the end. This duty extends to both published and unpublished papers.
• Editors follow the COPE flowcharts where applicable. 
• Editors first seek a response from those suspected of misconduct. And then, they ask the relevant institution, others, or some appropriate body to investigate.
• Editors make all reasonable efforts to ensure that a proper investigation into alleged misconduct is conducted.

Ensuring the integrity of the academic record
• Errors, inaccurate or misleading statements are corrected promptly and with due prominence.
• Editors follow the COPE guidelines on retractions

Intellectual property
• Editors work with their publishers on intellectual property rights issues.

Encouraging debate
• Editors welcome all positive or negative reviews for articles published in the journal and share them with their authors.

• Editors respond quickly to complaints. Complainants who are not satisfied with the editor's responses contact the editorial board, chief editor, or publisher.

Commercial considerations
• In the journal, the editorial operations are carried out independently, without being affected by advertisement and sponsor support.

Conflicts of interest
• Editors, including themselves, have a conflict of an interest management system with the editorial board, referees, authors, and journal staff.
• For this, the IJSSER requests a "conflict of interest statement" from all parties.

Relations with reviewers
• The editor appoints the referees (considering the referee's knowledge and expertise) appropriate to the subject of the article and ensures that they make an objective review.
• Editors need to know that there are no conflicts of interest between the authors and the reviewers.
• The editors provide the reviewers with a guide to the article evaluation process and convey all the necessary information.
• According to a double-blind review, the editor keeps the information of the referees and authors confidential in the article evaluation process and does not share them in any way.
• Referees are grouped according to their article evaluation performances and encouraged accordingly.
• Practices and policies that increase the performance of the reviewers are determined.
• A list of reviewers is created based on the constantly updated and increasing performance score.
• Reviewers who do not perform their duties in a timely manner and do not make scientific and objective evaluations are removed from the list. Likewise, those who make disrespectful and unqualified reviews and evaluations are also removed from the list.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
• The articles sent to IJSSER must be original studies in the social sciences and educational sciences.
• It should be noted that the articles submitted to the journal are not sent to another journal and the Copyright Transfer Form (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ijsser) must be filled.
• All citations (authors, online pages, personal interviews, etc.) used in the articles should be cited correctly and appropriately. According to the citation method adopted by the journal; citation-bibliography matching should be done.
• The names of the people who do not contribute to the article should not be written as a writer, it should not be suggested to change the author's order of an article, to remove a writer, or to add an author.
• Conflicts of interest regarding the submitted article should be stated and the reason should be explained.
• In the evaluation process, if the author (s) are asked for information about their articles or raw data, they should present the expected information to the editors.
• The authors should document that they have the participants' consent and the permissions related to the sharing and research of the data that are used.
• Authors should contact the editor to provide information, correct, or withdraw it when they notice the article's error in the stages before its publication.
• The authors received the ethics committee approval for experimental, questionnaire, scale, interview, observation, focus group work that requires ethical committee decision in quantitative or qualitative research; Ethics committee name, decision date, and number should be specified on the first page and method section of the article (footer), and upload the ethics committee document to the system.
• Ethics committee approval is not required from authors for review articles. However, in articles that do not require an ethical committee decision, it should be stated that the ethical committee decision is not required on the first page of the article (footer) and in the method section.
• Authors should present proof of their ethical principles regarding data (such as obtaining permission for others' scale, questionnaire, photograph, etc.) in the article. It should be noted that the articles comply with copyright regulations for research and publication ethics and intellectual and artistic works. It should be reported that researches on human and animal subjects are carried out in accordance with international papers, guidelines, etc.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
In the IJSSER article evaluation process, the principle of double-blind review, in which the authors and the referees do not know each other, is applied, reviewers cannot communicate directly with the authors; the correction requests and notes specified in the article evaluation forms are sent to the authors by the editors through the journal management system. The reviewers registered in IJSSER have the following ethical responsibilities;
• Reviewers should only agree to evaluate articles related to their specialty.
• Reviewers should evaluate the article in neutrality and confidentiality.
• Reviewers are expected not to evaluate articles with conflicts of interest. Reviewers should inform the editor about articles with any conflict of interest and abandon the review of the related article.
• Reviewers should evaluate the article within due time.
• Reviewers should make the assessment in a constructive, gentle language and in an academic style. Never make insulting or humiliating personal comments in the evaluation.
• Reviewers should never use the article data and results they evaluated before it is published.
• Reviewers should not write their own personal information (name, institution, etc.) in the article evaluation forms.

Ethical Responsibilities of Publisher
• The publisher acknowledges that the decision-maker and the refereeing process are the responsibility of the editor during the article publishing process in IJSSER.
• The publisher provides open and free access to the journal's web page.

Notification of unethical behavior and situation
If it is noticed any behavior or situation in IJSSER that does not comply with ethical principles regarding people, articles, processes, and other issues, please email ijsser.contact@gmail.com.

There are no submission fees or page charges.